Discover the Herbs for „Wild Green Smoothies“!
Nettle: leaves, seeds and roots, the most versatile and tasty European food and medicinal plant among the wild herbs. Spread throughout Europe. Very rich protein content.
OED, OCTOBER 2019. Hello, I’m your wild herb guide for the explorer program of the ERASMUSplus exchange „Fit for Europe“. For risks, side effects and completeness your Herbalista takes no responsibility. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Have fun!
Leaves activate the kidneys -> detox. Mineralization: particularly rich in silicon, iron, magnesium chloride, maximum chlorophyll A + B and protein. Superfood for healthy nutrition, many recipes worldwide. Seed aphrodisiac.
Medicinal use: For flushing with urinary tract inflammation, joint inflammation, hematopoietic (athletes). Spring cure and autumn cure.
Acts through the whole metabolism. Aquaristic, not diuretic! Mineralizing. Traditional spring cure, autumn cure, „anti-aging & detox“. Roots micturition, prostate adenoma stage 1 +2
Oak: oak bark, astringent. Outwardly, as compress. Acron coffee.
Ash: In the Celtic mythology: Yggdrasil, the World Tree.
Himalayan Balm “Policeman’s Helmet” (Impatiens glandulifera): Invasive species. plant juice against insect bites, seeds as pops. Flowers in salad or as jelly. Called „Policemans’s Helmet“ J and valued as a „natural antihistamine“, anti-inflammatory flavonoid
Dandelion: Leaves, roots. Detox. Leaves improve metabolism and immune defense. Dandelion root coffee, young leaves in salad and smoothies. Flowers in salad and herb butter. Contains bitter substances, phenol glycosides, flavonoids.
Mint: For tea, green smoothies, salad, sauce, dressing, as spice. Internally for gastrointestinal complaints associated with flatulence, gall bladder problems and catarrhs of the respiratory tract; externally for inhalation in catarrhs of the respiratory tract. Wild plant with highest content of essential oil transalpine.
Sorrel: leaves or soup, salad, green smoothies, sorbet. Very good source of vitamin C in spring and autumn. Contains oxalic acid, Traditional remedy for scurvy (= dreaded vitamin deficiency disease until the 20th century). Used by the Romans to make up for an excess of fat foods. Raw or cooked edible.
Yarrow: Important medicinal plant for external inflammation in case of injuries and internally for stomach pain and abdominal cramps. Leaf, blossom. Contents essential oil, tannins, flavonoids.
White Willow: „Natural aspirin“, already recommended by Hippocrates and Hildegard von Bingen, for feverish diseases, rheumatic complaints and headaches, gout. Highest content of salicylates among our native wild plants. The bark is used.
Geranium: alternative medicine, contains flavonoids (quercetin). Antioxidant, vascular protective, anti-inflammatory. Quercitin may inhibit the formation of uric acid. Boosts the immune system. Other scented geraniums as well.
Deadnettle, white: For salad, green smoothies. Medicinal as tea internally in catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract; externally for inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa as well as for non-specific fluoro albus (oral fluoride); slight superficial inflammation of the skin.
Meadowsweet: contains coumarins (little), makes the hay smell. “Lady’s Bedstraw”. For herbal lemonade, salad, green smoothies
Rosehip / Rose: Pulp contains 20 times as much vitamin C as lemon. Winter stock – as jam. Kernel powders relieve Athrose.
Hawthorn: leaf, flower for tea. Fruits as jelly or in tea. Contains Flavonoids. Blood pressure balancing
Herbal self-collecting is never just about the pure ingredient. Pharmacist drugs are certainly superior in quality. But it is the perception of nature through all the senses, the concentration and, of course, the sensation of nature that awakens all 5 senses and thus also stimulates our natural strength of the immune system, as Kneipp formulated it in its 5 pillars.
Phytotherapy – Nutrition – Hydrotherapy – Exercise – Balance
Thank you for your interest. This list is the preparatory keyword list. It does not claim to be complete and does not constitute a guide to self-medication.
For questions:
The book „Wild Green Smoothies“ by Gabriele Leonie Braeutigam has been published in German, French and Czech.
INFO: 39 pupils und 7 teachers from 4 Europan nations took part at the ERASMUSplus-program „Fit for Europe“ : Eça de Queiros, Lisboa Portugal; Municipality of Isokyrö/Kyrönmaa Upper Secondary School/Erasmus+, Isokyrö Finland; Liceo Scientifico Statale, Piacenca Italia; Gymnasium Roth, Germany. Thanks for the excellent organisation to Ralph Gieselmann, Gymnasium Roth.